Branding is Mostly Storytelling

A brand without a story is like a biryani without mutton – it just doesn't work.

Branding isn't just about fancy logos or cool taglines. Nope! It's mostly about storytelling. Let's unravel this yarn, shall we?

Imagine your brand is like a Bollywood movie. You’ve got the hero (your product), the plot (your mission), and the audience (your customers).

Without a compelling story, even the most dashing hero becomes as exciting as a three-hour lecture on GST.

A brand without a story is like a biryani without mutton – it just doesn't work.

Many businesses today overlook the importance of a good story. 

Let me explain why this matters. In today's market, many focus on features like better pricing and enhanced capabilities and what not.

However, what really stands out is a unique story. A story bridges the gap between you and your customer, and the best part is no one can copy your story. 

A good story not only captures the attention but leaves a lasting impact. 

Think about watching a great movie, you talk about it for days and recommend it to friends. Similarly, your business story should grab attention and stay in people’s mind rent-free.

A compelling story builds trust and has inherent persuasive qualities.

You won't need to convince customers to buy; the story does that for you. It turns customers into advocates for your products. There's no better way to connect with them than through a powerful story.

In every story, the hero embarks on a journey, faces challenges, and ultimately triumphs.

Your brand should follow the same narrative arc. Here’s how you can script it:

1. Introduction: Setting the Scene

Who are you? Just like a hero needs an origin story, your brand needs one, too. Did you start in a garage like Apple? Or maybe from a tiny shop in a crowded city? Share your humble beginnings.

2. Conflict: The Struggle is Real

What problems are you solving? Every hero faces obstacles. What customer pain points does your brand address? Are you the dhobi solving the neighborhood's laundry woes, or the techie making life easier with a nifty app?

3. Resolution: The Grand Finale

How do you make a difference? Show your customers how you turn their struggles into success stories. Highlight testimonials, case studies, or simple 'before and after' scenarios. It's your brand's happy ending.

A good story isn’t just about the hero; it’s also about the supporting cast.

Introduce your team. Whether it's your 'Chief Coffee Officer' who brews the best ideas or the 'Master of Jugaad' who finds solutions to every problem, make your team relatable and memorable.

Remember those shocking twists in every rom-coms? Use that drama to your advantage. 

Launch a surprise product, host an unexpected event, or share a quirky behind-the-scenes story. Keep your audience on their toes.

Your brand's voice is like Super Stars's baritone – it should be distinctive and powerful. 

Are you funny, serious, or a mix of both? Find your tone and stick to it.

Consistency is key. Speak the language of your audience – if they love memes, don't bore them with essays.

If they're all about tradition, give them stories they can relate to.

Every good story leaves the audience with something to ponder. What’s the takeaway from your brand story? Is it the value you bring? The emotions you evoke? The change you inspire?

Make it clear, make it impactful.

Your brand story isn’t a one-time tale. It’s an ongoing saga. Keep adding chapters. Share your growth, celebrate milestones, and let your customers be part of your journey. 

Engage with them, listen to their stories, and weave them into your narrative.

Examples from the Backyard

Amul: Remember the Amul girl? She’s been telling us the story of India’s changing times with her witty ads for decades. Amul’s story is one of quality, nostalgia, and clever marketing—a perfect blend of tradition and modernity.

Parle-G: The simple glucose biscuit that has been in Indian households for generations. Parle-G’s story is about trust, affordability, and a taste that brings back childhood memories.

So, next time you think about your brand, think of it as a blockbuster waiting for its big release.

Tell a story that your customers can’t resist. Make them laugh, make them cry, but most importantly, make them believe in your brand. 

Until next time, keep scripting your success stories!

Feel free to share your brand stories with me! I’m all ears (and a bit of brains).

This edition was co-authored with Epaphra. (dude is kinda cool actually 🌚)

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