Every business should use the ANCP Funnel

It’s a simple framework that I kinda put together from the ACP funnel.

We’ve all heard about the ACP Funnel, which was coined by . (One of the few people I look up to)

ACP means Audience - Community - Product

It’s pretty cool, actually. You build an audience on any platform, a subset of whom will become your community, and you make something that solves their problem, and you can sell it to your audience and your community will hopefully be your hype train.

Sounds like a wild dream, right?

There are numerous people who are doing this successfully and I really wish to do the same soon.

Now insert the ANCP Funnel.

ANCP means Audience - Newsletter - Community - Product

Just adding newsletter to the middle makes a lot of difference.

The amount of attention that you can get, the direct communication and the best part, you don’t have to worry about the algorithms.

As newsletters are very flexible, they can be used to amass audience or to build your community.

But having a newsletter is a must.

But that doesn’t mean that you get to do whatever you want with it. You cannot just send them a discount code and ask them to buy your product every single week.

Nada! That’s not how things work.

So take for example. We have an audience of 1800+ people on our newsletter and 12 people who already pay us in our community, and we are making a few products that are going to launch soon!

You have to educate them, nature them and talk to them because they are real people.

And find out what problems they face and make a solution for it.

And when they finally trust you, they’ll buy from you.

Patience is the key here.


or to participate.