Job vs Responsibility – What Are You Even Doing?

This is for literally every individual who is working somewhere.

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Ah, the good ol' job – that thing you do to keep the new dresses flowing and the rent paid.

A job is like that college assignment you submitted 5 minutes before the deadline, not caring if it was good enough, just praying it doesn’t fail you. 

The company, the vision, the "mission statement" on the wall? You couldn’t care less. Your job is just a transaction.

9 to 5 and out the door faster than a flash sale on Amazon.

But let me tell you, responsibility is a whole different animal.

It’s like organizing a family wedding—you’re juggling ten things at once, managing all the chaos, but you know it's important, so you make sure everything runs smoothly.

When you take ownership, you don’t just clock out mentally at 5 PM.

Sure, it’s fine to grab that extra cup of chai or take a 15-minute break to browse memes (we all need that!), but when the work needs to be done, you feel it.

It’s not just about finishing the task; it’s about doing it right because you’re accountable.

And especially in Upper management, you don’t want people who are just clocking in and out. You want those who take their roles as responsibilities.

These folks will push through that late-night Zoom call or strategize their way through a tough project because, for them, it’s personal.

They care if the company thrives. And if the company goes bust? They’ll take it as a personal failure.

So, chill when needed. But remember, success doesn’t come from just showing up to the job—it comes from owning that responsibility.

Make sure you, and everyone in charge, knows the difference.


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