Selling the Outcome, Not the Features

Lessons from BlackBerry and Apple's famous beef

“You know what's the problem with selling minutes?There is only one minute in a minute.”

This line from the famous BlackBerry movie shows perfectly the pitfall of focusing on product features rather than the outcome for the customer.

When companies boast about their 5000 mAh batteries and 8 GB RAMs, they're missing the point.

What customers really want is all-day battery life and a device tough enough to handle everything they need it to do.

Apple understood this, and look where they are now.

Steve (yes, we're homies, and my DP makes us look alike 🌚) knew that selling the outcome, not the features, was the key to success.

While BlackBerry was busy touting the technical specifications of their devices, Apple was laser-focused on delivering an experience that just worked, seamlessly and effortlessly.

It's a classic case of features vs. benefits.

Features are the tangible, measurable aspects of a product, like screen size, processor speed, or camera megapixels.

Benefits, on the other hand, are the real-world outcomes that customers care about, like being able to capture stunning photos, stay connected all day, or have a device that's durable enough to withstand daily life.

The next time you're selling, remember the lesson from BlackBerry and Apple.

Don't get bogged down in the technical details; instead, focus on the end result your customers are looking for.

What problem are you solving?

What experience are you delivering? Answer those questions, and you'll be well on your way to closing more deals and building a loyal customer base.

So, the next time you're tempted to market a laundry list of features, take a step back and ask yourself: “What's the real outcome I'm helping my customers achieve?”

That's the secret to selling success!


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