What is meaningful?

This is something that keeps surfacing in my head once every few days.

What is meaningful in life?

Is it the work that we do? Or is the people that we are with? Or is it the money that we make?

For me, life has always been a very fascinating concept.

I feel like my life is mine alone, and I’m not indebted to anyone.

Not even to my parents.

But we are connected somehow.

And the meaning and purpose of it is what keeps me awake.

The meaning and purpose of life are profound concepts that have been explored by philosophers, theologians, scientists, and thinkers throughout history.

And now me 🌚

The meaning of life addresses the broader existential questions about existence, while the purpose of life focuses on the individual goals and actions, that give one’s life direction and a sense of fulfillment.

In essence:

Meaning is why we came into existence.
Purpose is about what we do with our existence.

Both concepts are deeply personal and subjective, often intertwined, as one’s purpose can contribute to one’s sense of meaning, and vice versa.

People who’ve understood this have gone places. I mean literally. They’ve travelled to parts of the world where they don’t have to talk to another human being.

I’m getting a little afraid that if I start getting into this rabbit hole, I’ll pack my bags and leave to meditate in the Himalayas. The only one good thing in my life will be forever gone. (IYKYK)

But I am keen to explore the surface of this.

To explore what is meaningful in life, we need to understand that it’s a highly personal concept. What’s meaningful to one person may not hold the same value for another. 

Some find meaning in their careers, channeling their energy and passion into their work. 

Others find it in relationships, cherishing the bonds they share with family and friends. 

For some, financial success provides a sense of accomplishment and security.

As for me, the journey towards understanding meaning and purpose is deeply personal. 

I believe that a human should have both meaning and purpose in life.

The meaning provides the “why” – a broader context and understanding of our existence. Purpose gives us the “what” – the tangible goals and actions that drive us forward.

Together, they create a balanced and fulfilling life, each enhancing the other. 

Understanding and integrating both can lead to a more keen sense of fulfillment and direction.

It’s like a dance between the existential and the practical, a symphony where the notes of meaning harmonize with the melody of purpose.

When you strike the right balance, life doesn’t just happen; it sings.

(I swear I wrote this line)

So, whether it’s through the work we do, the people we cherish, or the milestones we achieve, finding our purpose is the key to life.

My purpose is very simple, to teach people as much as possible till the very last day of my existence.

And through that existence, I would love to spend my life with that one person who makes me happy.

That’s all I want, and that’s all I’ll ever need.

And who knows? Maybe that journey is the most meaningful part of all.

Or maybe, that journey is what we call LIFE.


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